Our new products mainly include industrial control software system and hardware devices. Our technical and product innovation are mostly focused on boiler control, pump control, waste incineration burner control and industrial remote monitoring systems. Our company has acquired tremendous economical benefits from the market by independent research and development, the sales number for the past 3 years increased year over year, the economical benefits generated by new products and new technology account for over 35% of the total sales.
These new products and new technologies created not only the economical benefits, they also brought significant social benefits in terms of energy saving and environment protection. For example, the waste incineration burner flame image processing system developed by our company addressed the technical challenges of waste treatment and exhausted gas emission, which enabled the combustion automatic control of the burner and increased the adequacy of waste combustion in order to render the effect of energy saving and environment protection. The achievement has been successfully applied to a number of places in Japan and multiple sites in Huhehaote.