E-MES Architecture

Integration of E-MES and ERP
◆Add-on is a type of additional plug-in for ERP that is used to enhance the usability of ERP, especially for project productionmanagement.
◆ E-MES can integrate with ERP through Add-on, integrate with ERP directly, or run on its own.

Function Overview
1. Production order management
Receive ERP or Add-on production orders and distribute orders to workshop in real time. The production lines capture the productivity data in real time and feedback the production progress back to ERP.
2. Cycle time calculation
Capture the online and offline time data for each procedure by RFID, photoelectric sensors and PLC to calculate production cycle time in real time.
3. Quality information traceback
Capture information, such as key component bar codes and quality exceptions, on the production stationsin real time, and can trace back to its origins by serials number with simply one push on a button.
4. Bar code management
On the production line, E-MES prints out the product bar code on the production stationsand attach it to the packaging of finished products, record the products into inventory by scanning it via PDA and integrate with ERP.
5. eSOP working instructions
On the intelligent terminals at the production stations, employees can view “producteSOP”in real time via RFIDcard and RFID readers
6. Equipment status monitoring
Connect equipments to the network via Ethernet and PLC to collect information like equipment health, shutdown, and failure, exceptions will be pushed to administrators in time.
7. Video monitoring
Could integrate with third party monitoring systems to automatically capture the screen shots and videos in case of exceptions based on settings like alert types, and store them into designated locations for future tracebacks.
8. AGV forklift unmanned warehouse
Integration of AGVand WMS, warehouse keeper calls for AGV forklift via PDA to complete the movement of material trays from the buffer zone to the 3-D warehouse shelf.
9. Visualized Kanban
Display information via electronic Kanban system, including production progress, technology, quality, equipment OEE and video monitoring.
10. ERP Add-on
An enhanced ERP add-on that is used to increase the usability and serviceability of project production management, includes project orders scheduling, BOM management, purchase orders, parts and product inventory, QC management, and indirect work management functions.
E-MES Success Story
◆ Realized material pull management via E-MES;
◆ Workshop can receive production order in real time and feedback production progress;
◆ Calculate production cycle, OEE;
◆ Capture quality traceback information by scanning the code and input quality inspection report online;
◆ Realized the connectionbetween the intelligent terminals and people, machine, materials and eSOP;
◆ Built the centralized management center for workshop data to ensure the stability of production and quality.